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Ymchwil ac Adolygiadau Ymarfer

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Dr Jenny Smith and John Hamer. A system mapping approach to understanding child and adolescent wellbeing​ (2019). Department for Education.

Darllenwch yr Adroddiad


APPG on Youth Affairs. National youth Agency. Youth Work Inquiry. Final Report. April 2019.

Darllenwch yr Adroddiad


Children's Commissioner for Wales. What Now? 2019.

Darllen yr adroddiad crynhoi llawn

Darllen y cynllun 3 blynedd


Gillen, A. M., Kirby, K., McBride, O., McGlinchey, E., & Rushe, T. (2019). Comparing Self-Harm (SH) Thoughts and Behaviours Among a Community Sample of Younger and Older Adolescents in Northern Ireland. Child Care in Practice, 25(2), 189-199.

Allweddeiriau: Ymosodiad cynnar, hunan-niweidio sydd dim yn marwol, cyfraddau mynychder, iau and glasoed hyn

Darllenwch yr erthygl


Cody, C., & D’Arcy, K. (2019). Involving Young People Affected by Sexual Violence in Efforts to Prevent Sexual Violence in Europe: What is Required?. Child Care in Practice, 25(2), 200-214.

Allweddeiriau: Cyfraniad Ieuenctidtrais rhywiolcamfanteisio plentyn rhywiolmoesau

Darllenwch yr adroddiad


Healthy and happy. School impact on pupils’ health and wellbeing. June 2019

Darllenwch yr adroddiad



Lydia Marshall and Neil Smith. National Centre for Social Research (2018). Supporting mental health in schools and colleges: Pen portraits of provision

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John, A., Glendenning, A. C., Marchant, A., Montgomery, P., Stewart, A., Wood, S., ... & Hawton, K. (2018). Self-harm, suicidal behaviours, and cyberbullying in children and young people: systematic review. Journal of medical internet research, 20(4).

Allweddeiriau: seiber-fwlio, ymddygiad sy'n hunananfu, hunanladdiad, ceisio hunanladdiad, meddwl am hunanladdiad

Darllenwch yr erthygl yma


Davies, H., & Christensen, P. (2018). Sharing spaces: children and young people negotiating intimate relationships and privacy in the family home. Families, Intergenerationality, and Peer Group Relations, 27-49.

Allweddeiriau: Agosatrwydd, Preifatrwydd, Teulu, Gofod, Gofodau, Amser, Cartref, Ymgorffori/corff 

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Leu, A., Frech, M., & Jung, C. (2018). “You don't look for it”—A study of Swiss professionals’ awareness of young carers and their support needs. Health & social care in the community, 26(4), e560-e570.

Allweddeiriau: ymwybyddiaeth, grwpiau ffocws, offerynnau ymarfer, gofalwyr sy'n oedolion ifanc, gofalwyr ifanc

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Stanley, N., Barter, C., Wood, M., Aghtaie, N., Larkins, C., Lanau, A., & Överlien, C. (2018). Pornography, sexual coercion and abuse and sexting in young people’s intimate relationships: a European study. Journal of interpersonal violence, 33(19), 2919-2944.

Allweddeiriau: trais ar ddêt, trais domestig, dioddefwyr llencynnaidd, ymosod rhywiol,
y rhyngrwyd a cham-drin, pornograffi, secstio

Darllenwch yr erthygl yma



Looked after children, care leavers and risk of teenage conception; findings from Wales: Summary of a National Response (2016). Dr Marion Lyons, Zoe Couzens, Dr NoelCraine, Sarah Andrews, Rhiannon Whitaker. 

Darllen y Briffio

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